lunes, enero 15, 2007

[S] Más spoilers

Hoy la cosa va de Spoilers. Si esta mañana traíamos el spoiler de Ausiello, Kristin de Eoline no quería ser menos y aquí nos trae el suyo:

"From Taylor: Hey, Kristin, please tell us Wentworth Miller is still single and please give us some scoop on Prison Break.

Wenty is single, as far as I know, so keep on dreamin’, my friend. Miracles can come true. As for PB, the tape that proves Lincoln’s innocence will really come in to play in late February/early March, thanks to Dr. Sara and a government official who fully recognizes that President Reynolds is corrupt. Unfortunately, because the tape is a copy, it is deemed inadmissible in court, but I’m hearing it could be the key to blackmailing the president into pardoning Linc. Booyah! Also, we finally get a little more background info on Kellerman and why he is the way he is. I hear he and his sister, who we’ll meet, suffered horrible childhoods that affected them both in very different ways. (Maybe he was in that cargo hold with Dexter?)"

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Juaj muy buena la alusion a Dexter